You know, I'm not writing this thinking any of this is easy. If we could change the way we think, or what we believe, just like that, well then, behaviour change would be easy.
And as we well know, it's often not.
With that in mind, today, I want to talk to you about something near and dear to my heart: peaceful, intuitive eating. Our relationship with food is the cornerstone of our overall well-being, and nurturing a positive and loving bond with what we eat can truly transform our lives.
Let's dive into three common ideas ingrained in typical diet culture and explore how we can flip those mindsets into more compassionate and empowering habits.
Implementing these ideas, integrating them, might take time and support (more of that at the bottom of this post). For now, think of these as simply an introduction. A doorway. A shake of the hand. Say hi to them, even if you're not ready to get to know them better yet.
Idea 1: "I must count every calorie and track every morsel that goes into my mouth."
Instead, let's shift that focus to honoring our body's natural hunger and fullness cues. Listen attentively to what your body is truly craving and trust that it knows best. Eat mindfully, savoring each bite, and let go of the need to rigidly control your food intake.
Idea 2: "I have to follow strict meal plans and eliminate entire food groups to be healthy."
Rather than restrictive diets, let's embrace food freedom and diversity. Celebrate the abundance of nutritious options available to us and approach eating with curiosity and joy. Remember, all foods can fit into a balanced diet, and variety is the spice of life!
Idea 3: "I'll only be happy and worthy if I reach a specific number on the scale."
Instead of tying our self-worth to a number, let's focus on how food makes us feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Shift the goal from weight loss to well-being, from body shame to body appreciation. Nourish yourself with foods that fuel your vitality and bring you genuine pleasure.
By practicing peaceful, intuitive eating and cultivating a loving relationship with food, we can break free from the shackles of diet culture and embrace a more compassionate and fulfilling way of nourishing ourselves. Remember, you deserve to approach food with kindness, curiosity, and joy. Here's to savoring each delicious moment on this beautiful journey toward holistic well-being!
I pretty much always start here when it comes to nutrition coaching. Because that 'what' we eat becomes a far simpler, easier piece of the puzzle than often slots naturally into place when we have a peaceful, strong foundation with food first.
So if you're looking for a different way, and more support, you might be interested in our short courses. They're available now, starting in September - there's a daytime and an evening slot.
If you're a member already, don't forget to click the members only price!
(these replace my online programme 'Home' by the way, if you have any memory of that - same content broken up into smaller chunks)